
The project is divided into the following layers:

  • Tasks
  • Domain
  • Infrastructure
  • Presentation
  • Specs/Tests

Despite their divergent names, the layers and their functions should be familiar to anyone with experience with the MVC pattern.


Previous known as “Application Services,” the Tasks Layer serves to tie together any non-business logic from a variety of third-party services or persistence technologies. While setup and defining a service such as Twitter would occur in the Infrastructure Layer, executing and combining the results with, say, a local NHibernate database, would occur in the Tasks Layer. The resulting viewModel or DTO would be sent down to the Presentation Layer

Additional occupants

  • EventHandlers
  • CommandHandlers
  • Commands


The Presentation Layer contains the familiar MVC project with views, viewmodels and controllers, along with application setup tasks. Previous iterations of Sharp Architecture spun out controllers to a separate application, but as of 2.0 this is no longer the case.

Additional occupants

  • ViewModels: These can live in the Presentation or in the Tasks project, depending on whether your tasks layer will be returning ViewModels which is not usually the case as ViewModels are tied to a specific view.
  • Query Objects: These can live in the Presentation or in the Tasks project, depending on whether you need the queries in your tasks layer.
  • Controllers
  • Views


The Infrastructure Layer setups up third party data sources, along with items such as NHibernate maps. You can extend the repository implementation with additional methods to perform specific queries, but it is recommended to write your own Query Objects as shown in the cookbook.


The Domain Layer is where business entities and other business logic resides. The domain layer should be persistence ignorant, with any persistence existing in the Tasks Layer or in the Presentation Layer (for populating viewModels).

Additional occupants

  • Contracts for Tasks
  • Contracts for IQuery
  • Events that are emitted by your domain